
Character Designs
Model Sheets
Background Designs
Animated Drawings
Animated Comics

My Portfolio
TZ Forums


Toonzone forums
The best place to discuss anything.

Shane Glines' The Drawing Board
Feel like discussing art with professionals? There you go!

Sue's Rock
Another art-oriented forum. Offers some great galleries.

Café Salé
AND another neat place to talk about art. And it's in French!


The World's Finest
The most thorough Batman/Superman site on the net. Has episode guides and reviews, galleries, lots of information, fan art... the whole package.

Cartoon Network BTAS official page
A decent official site.

The Animated Batman
A great source for Batman/Superman/Batman Beyond reviews.

JL Animated
A great page devoted to the JL show. Has an episode guide and tons of images.

Toonzone's JL Page
Not the most good-looking website but it offers quite a load of information. Updated frequently.

DCU Animated
Looking for awesome fan-made character designs? That's the place!

Batman: Tomorrow and Beyond
My other website devoted to the BB series. Has an episode guide, reviews, lots of images...

Dark Knight Adventures
This is the online comic I'm participating in. Check it out, has some really great artwork by Jim McLean.

The Drawing Board Website
Don't be fooled by the cheesy name, this is actually a great site! It hosts many art galleries for all the members of the Toozone community.


Shane Glines
Shane's awesome website pays homage to the greatest cartoonists of the century.

Bruce Timm
The ultimate Bruce Timm Gallery. A must-see.

Action Planet Comics
Mike Manley's website. Interesting at many levels. Stop by his great message board!

Craig Rousseau
Check out Craig's amazing art galleries!

Terry Beatty
Home of the world's finest inker!


Ain't It Cool News?
A great source for movie/episode reviews and inside scoops. Not always reliable though.

Don't miss out on their amazingly high quality trailers.

A good place for... DVD toons.

The best source for thorough episode guides. Beware of spoilers though...

This is my school's students' website. I'm in charge of the cinema section, and I occasionally write comic book reviews. It's in French by the way.

One of the finest places to find good quality wallpapers.

Indyfan.com   TheRaider.net
Two great sites devoted to the Indiana Jones movies.

Ideas? Suggestions? Contacts?
[email protected]